Harding's Gallery (Boston)

Harding's Gallery (ca.1833-1847) in Boston, Massachusetts, exhibited works by European and American artists in the 1830s-1840s. The building on School Street also housed a newspaper press; the Mercantile Library Association;[1][2] the Boston Artists' Association;[3] and artists' studios.[4] The building's name derived from painter Chester Harding, who kept his studio there.



Jefferson auction

In July 1833, an auction occurred at the gallery of some of the paintings bought by Thomas Jefferson in Paris, and subsequently hung about his house at Monticello. Original works for sale included[5] a portrait of George Washington by Joseph Wright/John Trumbull (1784); a portrait of John Adams by Mather Brown (1788); and a portrait of Lafayette by Joseph Boze (1790). The auction also offered copies of works by Domenichino; Holbein; Godfrey Kneller (portrait of John Locke); Leonardo; Le Sueur; Raphael; Ribera; Rubens; Van Dyck; and others. Some of the copies depicted originals in the Palazzo Pitti and elsewhere. Buyers at the auction included James W. Sever; Israel Thorndike, Jr.; and Mrs. John W. Davis.


Washington Allston

"In 1839 there was an exhibition ... of such works of Washington Allston as could be borrowed for the occasion. This was managed by the friends of the artist for his benefit. The exhibition was held in Harding's Gallery, a square, well-lighted room, but too small for the larger pictures. It was, however, the best room that could be procured for the purpose. Here was shown forty-five pictures, including one or two drawings. ... On entering, the presence of the artist seemed to fill the room. The door-keeper held the door, but Allston held the room."[6] Works included: "Dead man restored to life" (1813); "The Valentine;" "Isaac of York;" "Portrait of Benjamin West, late president of the Royal Academy, London;" "Portrait of Samuel Williams;" "Rosalie;" "Jessica and Lorenzo;" "Portrait of the late Mrs. Wm. Channing;" and others. Lenders to the exhibit included David Sears; James F. Baldwin; George Ticknor; Warren Dutton; Nathan Appleton; Thomas Handasyd Perkins; Thomas H. Perkins Jr.; William H. Sumner; and others.

Boston Artists Association

The first public exhibit of the newly formed Boston Artists' Association in 1842 at Harding's Gallery featured works by mostly local artists, as well as a few by (or after) European masters (e.g. Tintoretto, Rembrandt). Visitors to the gallery could see recent pieces by Fitz Henry Lane and Gilbert Stuart. T.H. Perkins and others lent works to the exhibition. The second and third exhibits of the association took place 1843-1844. Margaret Fuller, on visiting Harding's on July 6, 1844, wrote in her diary: "I went to town. Artists' Gallery, sad sad sight."[8][9]


Image gallery


  1. ^ "Harding's buildings;" cf. Boston Almanac. 1838
  2. ^ Daniel Haskell. An address delivered before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, January 3, 1848; p.6.
  3. ^ Leah Lipton. "The Boston Artists' Association, 1841-1851." American Art Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Autumn, 1983), pp. 45-57.
  4. ^ For example, miniature painter W.J. McPherson; cf. Boston Almanac, 1847.
  5. ^ http://wiki.monticello.org/mediawiki/index.php/Category:Paintings
  6. ^ Our first great painter, and his works. Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1865; p.134.
  7. ^ Jules D. Prown. The Sisters by Washington Allston. Annual Report (Fogg Art Museum), No. 1956/1957; p.48
  8. ^ "The Impulses of Human Nature": Margaret Fuller's Journal from June through October 1844." Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Third Series, Vol. 102 (1990); p.78.
  9. ^ C. P. Seabrook Wilkinson. Emerson and the "Eminent Painter." New England Quarterly, Vol. 71, No. 1 (Mar., 1998), p.124.
  10. ^ Diary of Charles Francis Adams: January 1833 - October 1834, Volume 5. Harvard University Press, 1974; p.315+

Further reading

Publications of the gallery

Publications about the gallery

See also

External links